Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cooking when counting calories

In December, I went for a checkup to a new doctor and we discussed some different things going on with my body. Along with some other recommendations, she told me I needed to add in more vegetables to our diet. Well, duh! Who doesn't? So after the first of the year, I decided to be more careful in what I cook. Mainly trying to count calories and stay within the 2,000 calorie recommendation as well as making healthier choices. So we've started small steps like: not buying soft drinks for home, switching to whole wheat bread, switching to skim milk, and cutting out the fatty snacks like chips and cookies. One of the websites that was very helpful in getting started was the USDA. It gives lots of recipes and meal planners to get you started.
My main complaint so far is that cooking is just not as fun anymore! Having a meat and two vegetables with a salad is only so interesting after awhile. I will say that I am even more prepared than I ever have been before. I've been spending one day getting everything ready for the week. Then during the week, I just have to grab things and go! I don't know how long it will last, but it has been fun giving it a try!

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